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Describe A Public Facility That Has Been Renovated And Improved: IELTS Cue Card

May 22, 2024
Describe A Public Facility That Has Been Renovated And Improved

The IELTS examination is the test of English as a language for foreign settings. You will be required to appear for the exam when you wish to study abroad and you can do a job abroad. The test is divided into 4 sections, namely, writing, reading, listening and speaking. The cue card round will be a part of the speaking section and you will be required to speak for a few minutes. Here, we will the cue cad Describe A Public Facility That Has Been Renovated And Improved.

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Family Hospital: Describe A Public Facility That Has Been Renovated And Improved

What the facility is

I will discuss a public facility that was renovated. Recently, I noticed a lot about our family hospital, which does not have a lot of facilities available. However, I always wanted to make some changes in the family hospital so that the patients could get better treatment.

When it was renovated and improved

About 2 years ago, the government made some improvements in the family hospital that were easily visible. The rooms were more comfortable for the patients, and there were more highly qualified doctors and even specialist doctors who could provide better treatment.

Explain how you feel about it.

Better technical machines and medical tools were introduced in the hospital. All these changes at the family hospital made me happy. I believe these facilities and innovations could help many in the future if they need doctors.

Bus Station: Describe A Public Facility That Has Been Renovated And Improved

What the facility is

The public facility I would like to talk about is a local bus station that underwent significant renovation and improvement at the beginning of 2020 and was completed in 2022. We all know that local bus stations are always crucial for the community and they serve as the primary means of transport for residents and visitors.

When it was renovated and improved

As I have discussed, it was renovated in the year 2020, which has improved the overall functionality and look of the bus station. The seats have been expanded and modernised, which provides more comfort for passengers. Even a digital display has been installed, which could provide real-time information about bus schedules and delay routes and which would allow commuters to plan their journey easily.

Explain how you feel about it.

The accessibility and the invocation were the major focus of the renovation. New lighting was installed at the bus stand to improve visibility at night and even security was installed. I feel extremely positive about these improvements in our area.

Library: Describe A Public Facility That Has Been Renovated And Improved

What the facility is

The public facility that requires renovation and improvement is the central city library, which is located in the centre of the state. The library has an outdated building with limited resources and outdated infrastructure.

When it was renovated and improved

Last year, the public library went into a transformation and renovation project to incorporate modern design elements and upgrade the technologies. The interior is now more diverse, and it offers cutting-edge facilities.

Explain how you feel about it.

The transformation of the central city library has been a perfect location for the educational culture and social interaction among individuals. However, the improvement in the library has motivated me towards pursuing my dream, as I used to study at the library.

Follow up Questions: Describe A Public Facility That Has Been Renovated And Improved

Other Cue Card:

Describe A Natural Place

Describe A Good Law In Your Country

Describe Your Summer Holidays Or Vacations

Describe The Most Photographed Place In Your Country

Describe A Famous Scientist Or Inventor You Know About

What specific improvements were made during the renovation?

This can include structural changes, technological upgrades, new facilities, or aesthetic enhancements. At the same time, these could benefit a lot of people.

How long did the renovation process take?

Generally, it depends on the project and the things that have been decided to Renovate.

Who funds the renovation?

This can be the government, private donors, or a combination of both. It can even be based on some projects.

What challenges were encountered during the renovation?

Discussing obstacles can help you to get the solution to the problem.

Article Categories:
IELTS Cue Card · IELTS Speaking

Neha Sharma is an IELTS faculty with a decade of experience in teaching IELTS. She holds a PhD in English from Stanford University, USA. Excelling in tailoring her teaching to individual student needs, she has helped over 50,000 students achieve their target scores. Actively involved in research, she ensures that her methods remain effective and innovative.

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