Describe a Place you Visited where the air was not clean- IELTS Cue Card

Describe a Place you Visited where the air was not clean- IELTS Cue Card

Last Updated on August 29, 2024

IELTS, short for International English Language Testing System, is the most liked and used English language examination worldwide. This test is chosen by more than 10,000 establishments globally as a trusted gauge of practical communication skills in real-life situations (IELTS Official Website). It measures how well a person can use their listening skills. IELTS started as a pioneer in four-skill English language testing more than three decades ago and stands as the worldwide standard today.

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IELTS Test Format

The IELTS examination checks all four language abilities: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. You will finish the Listening, Reading, and Writing exams in one day without any breaks between these three parts. You can schedule your Speaking test by selecting a time slot through an internet booking service for the date and hour that suits you best. If you do not select a slot in the provided time frame, the system automatically assigns one. The entire duration of the test process is under three hours.

IELTS Speaking Part 2- Cue Card

You will have 1 minute to prepare the cue card “Describe a place you visited where the air was not clean”. You can make use of questions given with the topic to plan your content. After getting ready, you could speak for around 2 minutes. Speaking Part 3 of the IELTS test will have a continuation section, which is a discussion around/follow-up questions round from your cue card topic.

For responding to cue card prompts, the best method is to divide it into small parts. Imagine this: regardless of your subject, there’s always an opening part, main highlights, and a finishing portion.

Example 1: Describe a place you visited where the air was not clean


  • A few years ago, I and my family went to visit the bright city of Beijing in China.
  • The flight lasted more than 10 hours from New Delhi, and all of us were exhausted when we reached one of the most crowded airports in the world! However, our exhaustion was quickly forgotten because Beijing’s lively atmosphere and deep historical roots amazed us.

Describe how the unclean air hindered your experience.

  • Beijing is a place full of old customs and bustling with lively streets; we noticed that there is one serious problem which appears to be air pollution.
  • During certain days of our trip, the roads were covered in heavy smog and you could barely see any buildings. But these occasions allowed us to take a rest within the hotel and enjoy delicious Chinese cuisine.

Talk about your important observations from the incident: 

  • On the days of severe conditions, it was hard for us as we felt it was difficult to even breathe, let alone wander and do touristy activities.
  • The people living around us were more ready. They had on masks and other safety things. Our walks in the city seemed to make me tired; at times, I felt my chest become heavy because of air quality issues.


Beijing is a city with many people living in it, and this can be one of the reasons for air pollution. Different governments from around the world have recently made announcements about initiatives to enhance air quality; among these are encouraging usage of public transport and implementing stringent emission norms (Amedome et al., 2022). My experience in China was good overall, but I recommend you to visit when the air quality is not so bad.

Example 2: Describe a place you visited where the air was not clean


  •  A few months ago, I bagged a job in the capital of the country, New Delhi. Since I’m from Bangalore, it was a chance for me to see the capital city. I have never visited New Delhi even occasionally and I was excited to finally live and explore the intricacies of the city. 
  • Undeniably, my time in Delhi was one of the finest experiences. The grand city overflowed with ancient landmarks, lively markets, and delicious roadside snacks.

Describe your experience due to Air pollution: 

  •  Unfortunately, my experience in the city was hindered when the winter approached and the air quality in Delhi declined.
  • During my stay in the capital city, I had to experience chilling weather along with drastic changes in the air conditions. Some days the smog got so bad that we were advised not to step out of the house or drive.

Talk about your important observations from the incident:

  • The most important observation I made was that air pollution in Delhi has a huge impact on visibility. You can hardly see anything! If you drive in such conditions, accidents are very likely to happen.
  • I also observed the impacts on my health. I had difficulty breathing, my eyes became itchy and I had allergic reactions.


  • Delhi has experienced a rise in good employment options, causing the city to undergo rapid urbanization which impacts air quality.
  • Surely, Delhi is among the top cities in India and the world. Let’s hope that all the actions taken by the government and community will result in reducing air pollution levels very soon!

Example 3: Describe a place you visited where the air was not clean

(In this example we have mentioned a different approach answering to the same question.)


 Pollution, as we all know is a big problem now. It’s hard to locate a place that doesn’t have any pollution. Today, I would like to converse about a site where I visited and found out the air there was highly polluted.

Where the place is?

I and my friends made a plan to go to Delhi in my class XIthI winter vacation, so we can see attractions like India Gate and parliament house which are famous tourist places in Delhi.

When you visited?

It happened in December. When we arrived, our excitement turned into nothingness. We were all very enthusiastic to go there.

Why the air was not good?

When considering the large population and high vehicle use in Delhi, along with a temperature of 31 degrees Celsius and nasty air pollution, I’m from Chandigarh so when I was living there never experienced excessive pollution but in Delhi had lots of problems dealing with with tanning as well as other skin related problems (even myself noticed locals not handling many issues). Thinking of habits, I considered pollution. Smoke from industries is a big reason for Delhi’s air pollution.

Talk about your important observations from the incident:

My friends and I went there, it was for our enjoyment and fun so at that time we were happy but not all the time. We cannot live in this place permanently as there is air pollution. I hope the government will have some kinds of campaigns or TV shows to increase people’s knowledge of protecting the environment and plant more trees in the city for better air quality. So, this is where I visited and found air pollution.


In general, the trip was not good. It made me realize how important it is to protect the environment and reduce pollution for a better future.

Other Cue card:

Describe A Tourist Place No One Visits: IELTS Cue card

Describe a time when you were sleepy but had to stay awake: IELTS Cue card

Describe a time when you were in a public place and you overhead a stranger talking on the phone

Describe Some Technology That You Decided To Stop Using: IELTS Cue Card

Describe a Library you have Visited Cue Card

Follow-Up Questions: Describe a place where the air was not clean

1. Is there more pollution now as compared to the past?

Certainly, the number of people has increased a lot from that time and now. Many individuals are buying vehicles, especially cars. These vehicles create much air pollution and cause issues for old people and young ones to breathe properly; these effects will last on them.

2. Talk about some ways to reduce air pollution effectively.

There are several ways to reduce the level of air pollution. For effluent treatment, the government might create strict rules – only certain areas should be allowed for new industries. The people also need to follow the laws and regulations politely, it is not only the work of government.

3. Do you think the city is cleaner or dirtier than the outskirts or countryside? Why?

Regarding cleanliness, I think urban areas are dirtier compared to rural ones. The main reason for this is all the construction and new businesses that are growing in cities. Not every time do industrialists politely follow the government’s rules and regulations. The next reason is that effluents don’t get treated as they should. Another element affecting the situation is that cities have bigger populations compared to rural areas. This means there are more vehicles in urban city areas, leading to an increase in pollution levels. In cities, the levels of pollution are typically higher compared to rural areas. This includes air pollution, water pollution, and also noise pollution. Considering these points together, I would say that cities are more polluted than rural places.

4. What measures can factories and power plants take to reduce pollutants?

Factories and power plants have a significant role in lessening pollution. Their first task is to obey the regulations set by the government. If there is a chimney in the factory, for example, it may be necessary to increase its height as per law. Even though it is possible for more traditional industries to shift towards alternative energy sources, the new ones should take the lead in beginning with these options. This would help to greatly decrease pollution.

5. Do you think many companies have been asked to reduce pollutants?

Certainly, many businesses have to decrease pollution. The government’s methods are not effective because industries discover means to evade the penalties. When companies pay fines, they start thinking that it gives them approval to create pollution.

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