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Intakes in Spain for Indian Students: Top Universities, Fees, & Requirements

January 30, 2024
Intakes in Spain

There are intakes at universities in Spain for all the international students. Spain University offers three deadlines for all international students to get admission to universities. International students can be admission to the university they want to attend with their own desired course, but they need to meet the eligibility criteria along with the necessary documents that are required for admission. In this article, we will discuss everything about the intakes in Spain so that it will be easy for you to take admission.

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The two intakes of the Spanish university are the fall intake and the spring intake. All the students can choose to get admission to the university they want without any problem. However, to get admission to the intakes in Spain, you must first meet the basic admission requirements at different universities.

Fall Intake in Spain

Fall intake starts in October, and there are two deadlines to apply for. The first deadline is in early June, and the second is in early September, which is also known as the late application deadline. It is always recommended to all students to apply during the first deadline so that they can easily secure their spot at the university in Spain. However, you need to submit all the same documents and appear for the necessary exams. Some best universities to study in Spain are-

  • EU Business School
  • Instituto Europeo Di Design
  • TBS Business School
  • Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
  • University of Alicante
  • Barcelona Technology School
  • IESE Business School
  • ESERP Business School

Spring Intake in Spain

The university in Spain allows individual students to take admission in the spring and take it in Spain, which starts in February. The application deadline falls in December. For this intake, all the international students are required to follow only one deadline. Here is the list of top colleges in Spain:

  1. Universitat de Barcelona
  2. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  3. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  4. Complutense University of Madrid
  5. Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)
  6. University of Navarra
  7. IE University
  8.  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech (UPC)
  9. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
  10. Universitat Politècnica de València
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What is the step-by-step procedure for admission to different intakes in Spain?

All international students can easily save a seat in the university in Spain, once you need to submit all the necessary documents along with their scorecard for the language proficiency test. Here we will discuss the detailed procedure step-by-step for admission in different intakes in Spain. Here is your guide to the process;

Fall Intake Admission Procedure

Step 1: You need to start your application process as early as you can. You need to research the university and course you want to pursue in Spain. Shortlist all the courses you want to study at a university in Spain and look for their admission requirements. Check the eligibility criteria of different courses and universities on their official website so that you do not have to wait for the admissions process.

Step 2: During March and April, you must appear for the required examinations, such as the GRE and GMAT, for admission to the university, which has its entrance examinations, and at the same time, you will need to appear for the IELTS and TOEFL exams for language proficiency.

Step 3: From April to May, you will be required to apply to the university, and along with that, start maintaining your documents like the SOP, LOR, transcript, and all other necessary details. Submit all your documents before the application deadline, and submit them before the due date.

Step 4: Once the application form has been accepted, you will need to appear at the university for the interview. Along with that, you will need to pay non-refundable confirmation fees. Students must meet the deadlines.

Step 5: Once your admission has been approved, apply for the student visa, and along with that, ensure that you apply for an education loan so that you do not have to face any difficulties in paying the fees to the university.

Step 6: You are ready to book your tickets and fly to Spain to attend the university you selected for your desired course.

Spring Intake in Spain

Here is your brief description of the admission process for the spring intake in Spain:

1. Begin early by narrowing down programmes and universities in Spain. Check university websites for entrance requirements and deadlines.

2. Take GMAT, GRE, English Language tests, IELTS, and TOEFL examinations from September to October. Time is critical for planning, booking, and exam preparation.

3. Begin applying to institutions in October to November, including supporting documents such as SOPs and letters of recommendation.

4. Acceptance letters and interviews will be sent from November to December. Respond to these communications by confirming your interest in the course.

5. Apply for a Spain visa or an education loan at least three months before your trip. If you are eligible, apply for an Education Loan or scholarships. Travel to Spain to get admission to the university.

What are the documents required to get admission to intakes in Spain?

Here is the list of the documents that are required for you to submit with the application form. Here is a detailed description of the documents required for intakes in Spain.


  • High School Certificate from a recognized school of study (Officially translated into English or Spanish)
  • High School Grade Transcripts from a recognized school of study (Officially translated into English or Spanish)
  • Proof of English Proficiency (If you are not from an English-speaking country or have not previously studied in English)
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Copy of Passport
  • Passport-sized digital photograph


  • 4 Year Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent Certificate (Officially translated into English or Spanish)
  • Bachelor Grade Transcripts (Officially translated into English or Spanish)
  • Proof of English Proficiency (If you are not from an English-speaking country or have not previously studied in English)
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Copy of Passport
  • Passport-sized digital photograph.


Intakes in Spain for Indian Students are during the fall and spring. Fall intake starts in October with deadlines in June and September, while spring intake starts in February with a December deadline. To secure a seat, students must submit necessary documents and scorecards for language proficiency tests. For spring intake, students should start early, take GMAT, GRE, English Language tests, IELTS, and TOEFL exams, and apply to institutions from October to November 2023.


What are the primary intakes and Deadlines for Universities in Spain for students?

Fall Semester (starts in October) whereas the Early Deadline is the first week of June and the Late Deadline is the first week of September. For the Spring Semester (which starts in February) the Single Deadline is the first week of December.

What are the popular and requested language proficiency tests?

Universities recommend you provide a certificate of proficiency for English programs. Some popular proficiency tests are PTE Academic, IELTS Academic, and TOEFL iBT.

Does Spain accept the gap year?

Yes, many possibilities allow the international students to have a gap year, it is possible only if you go for a Ngos, and any other volunteer work.

Can I settle in Spain after study?

Yes, after graduating with a master’s degree you are eligible to apply for post-study work for one year.

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Gaurav Kandari is a seasoned study abroad consultant with over 5 years of experience, specializing in guiding students to the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia. An avid traveler, he draws on his global adventures to enrich his consulting, providing invaluable insights to aspiring scholars.

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