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How To Get A Job in Germany from India(2024)

May 22, 2024
How To Get A Job in Germany from India

Due to a shortfall of skilled German workers, their companies are increasingly recruiting staff from outside the country. A survey called “Decoding Global Talent” recently found out that the placement of the country is on the 5th spot globally as a desirable country for foreign employees. The need to serve a diverse customer base, all over the country, makes clear that skilful manpower is much required in various specialised industries.

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Germany has shown itself to be a perfect place to find a job for Indian citizens, its economically stable conditions and a lack of a sufficient number of qualified employees being among the reasons. Adding to the proceeding, IT, engineering, and healthcare tend to attract talent on a global scale. If you like working in Germany then you can find a job that is according to your liking and then you can make a plan to get it in Germany. Whether you are a fresh graduate or lacking experience, this guide will show you how you can look for a job in Germany from India and know all the basic things in between. 

Getting a job in Germany is the greatest option for you if you want to advance your career by working overseas after completing your degree. Working in Germany will give you access to many options, better money, and a better standard of living.

But how can an Indian apply for a job in Germany? No need to stress out.  Admissify has everything covered to help you with this. To find out how to apply from India for employment in Germany, keep reading the blog. 

Job Market Conditions in Germany

According to the Federal Employment Agency of Germany, the country would want to welcome an annual 400,000 skilled labour migrants into the country to help meet the country’s demand for labour. Germany is one of the most efficient economies in the world, and this is largely due to the fact that the country achieves a relatively high level of production per employee.

Statistics from most people suggest that employees in the United Kingdom become successful in the work field within five days while their German counterparts in four days. It is a fact for major German industries.

There are a number of vacancies left for foreign people in Germany because of the deficiency of a skilled workforce. India being a non-EU nation is classified as a competent applicant for jobs in Germany.

Some of the big firms that are a major source of employment in Germany are BMW, Siemens, Bosch, Volkswagen, Allianz, and the like.

It is important to note that SMEs constitute about 90% of the businesses being carried out in Germany. The number of foreign students has been substantially impacted due to COVID-19. Nevertheless, there is still a place for skilled foreigners possessing a fluent German language.

Seeking Employment and the Skills that German Companies Require

It is crucial for Indian job seekers in Germany to know what businesses are searching for in candidates and how to locate them. These are the essential talents that job seekers from India seek in order to understand how to find employment in Germany. In domains ranging from business research to marketing and finance, technical know-how, language competence, interpersonal and soft skills, and data analysis—including the use of tools like Python, R, or SQL—are highly valued.

The following are some changing and in-demand career roles in Germany right now: 

  • Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity specialists are experts who can protect digital dangers from entering information systems.
  • Healthcare Professionals: The ageing population is driving changes in the field, particularly in geriatric care and medical technology.
  • Specialists in electric power systems, battery technology, and associated sectors who specialise in e-mobility as the market for electric vehicles continues to expand.
  • Engineers specialising in artificial intelligence and machine learning: These professionals work in a variety of industries, such as consumer goods, automotive, and finance. 

Germany’s Work Permit Categories

Depending on your qualifications and type of employment, you can apply for one of four different types of German work permits:

  • General Work Permit: If an EU national was unable to fill a position that you have found in Germany. As long as you meet the requirements for the position, this work permit takes very little ability.
  • Highly-Skilled Work Permit: If you have a strong work history, a high salary, and you are a highly skilled worker.
  • The German EU Blue Card: Your income qualifies you for an in-demand job if it is at least €56,400 or €43,992 annually.
  • Permission to Work as a freelancer: If you can demonstrate that you have potential clients and you work for yourself or as a freelancer.  

Requirements and Conditions to Work in Germany 

  1. The Indians find well-paid jobs in Germany as gardeners, painters, butchers, nurses, and so on. Furthermore, the fields of IT, nursing, and joint Vocational training are especially promising for the new Indian entrants. According to the law of Germany, the working conditions of people from India are equal to that of German employees. 
  1. Applicants must have professional degrees and at least B1 GER proficiency. In this regard, you will have to take a German language course. 
  1. Moreover, the content in your application documents must be comprehensive. More so if you do not have complete documents, they are likely to reject you and the same applies when you apply for numerous positions. You can submit your application for two vacancies at most! This process can take some time. 
  1. All the CVs and cover letters have to follow the standard practices that take place in Germany. So the experts are of the view that Indian entrants should make use of tabulated CV and the Europass template to create the same.
  1. Do not apply for positions which you are not qualified enough to or over qualified to. Try to apply for the roles that you can do!
  1. Indians and Non-EU citizens can migrate to Germany with the help of job-seeker visas. Germany issues this visa through the embassy of the country in which the immigrating one resides and allows its holder to stay in Germany for 6 months in search of employment. Please note that the policy of the country states that all citizens, regardless of whether they have a tourist visa or any other type of visa, need to purchase insurance.

There are innumerable Jobs in Germany for Indians but require following documents to apply for the visa

  • Passport
  • Insurance proof.
  • Offer of a job and its contractual requirements from a German employer.
  • the basic and minimum requirements for each level according to the CEFR 
  • Financial proof  
  • German recognition of academic qualifications in the form of certificates.

High Paying Jobs in Germany 

In Germany, jobs in banking and finance, medicine, consulting, IT, the legal profession, etc. pay the highest salaries. The annual compensation is between 65,000 and 85,000 euros.

The biggest companies in Germany pay the following salaries:

Name of the company Approximate salary [in euros] 
BMW84,000 Euros
Siemens:82,000 Euros
Volkswagen:56,000 Euros
Bosch71,000 Euros
Allianz76,000 Euros

How to Get A Job in Germany From India? 

 Step 1: Look for data about employment opportunities in Germany.

The first thing you need to do to help you begin your search for the best German job opportunities in India is to learn about the job market in the country. This will help in determining the top industries and the best job which suits your career goals.

Moreover, people you know or meet in Germany can also enlighten you more on information that is relevant to your industry in Germany.

Step 2: Study German

In Germany, there is a true language barrier. Even though the nation is home to numerous English speakers, most German businesses choose candidates who speak the language fluently. Speaking German is essential to surviving in the nation, not only for job opportunities.

Keep in mind that most jobs in Germany for Indians or persons of other nationalities require a minimum of B1 level language ability. This information will be included clearly in the job descriptions.

Therefore, you might want to think about enrolling in a reputable German language school before starting to seek jobs. It could take four to five months to become proficient to the necessary degree. Thus, get started on your language education as soon as you can.  

Step 3: Build an alternative resume + cover letter in an EU country context.

Preparing a resume is essential because it serves as a first impression or a key that will help you to enter the job you desire. It is the first impression of your prospective employers to ascertain whether or not you are qualified for the job opening. That is why it is so important to work on your resume carefully. It is therefore advisable that the resume should be aligned with the German standards. It should be accurate, authentic, and sharp.

Besides the resume, you are to prepare a cover letter and show why you are perfectly suitable for the said position. The final and the last is to be able to make the resume customizable. It can be used as a reference but it should be adjusted to the position for which you are applying.

Step 4: Go ahead and apply for jobs

The best course of action is to register with the German job portal for Indian applicants as well as numerous other trustworthy employment portals in the nation, including Indeed, JobMESH, Monster, Arbeitsagentur, and so on.

Numerous sectors’ thousands of job advertisements are available on these networks. You can receive notifications whenever a suitable job position is advertised by registering on these job portals.

In addition to signing up with these sites, you might think about contacting HR specialists and recruitment companies in Germany to look for suitable positions.  

Step 5: Interviews as a preparation tool.

After the screening process, only applicants with a CV that meets the job description will be contacted to further participate in the process remotely. By successfully clearing this round means that you are just a step close to getting a German offer letter. So, prepare well. A good strategy will be to review the questions above and learn how to answer them before the interview. There are also a lot of tools and programs that can be used for interview preparation.

You should also remember not to just make up stories of achievements and competences. It can turn out to be your rejection. However, rather than showing what you are doing, answer confidently and smartly

Step 6: find information on how to apply for a visa.

The last stage to gain a visa for Germany is once you get accepted in an interview and receive an offer letter. The same is possible as one can get a faster visa application when all requirements are met and the right procedure is followed.

The first step is to select the right visa and the subsequent things that you need to look out for. Once done, you can proceed to apply for your visa at any German embassy/consulate or VFS Global that is authorised to receive applications for visas in your country. It is therefore wise that before proceeding one can contact the visa authorities in order to find out the exact procedures and the document needed for getting a visa.  

The Job Seeker visa, which is unique to Germany, enables you to travel there in search of employment that fits your qualifications and skill set. This visa has a one-year validity period and doesn’t require an employment offer or sponsorship. You can change your Job Seeker visa into a German work permit when you land a job. 

Additional Tips

Considering the job opportunities in Germany is crucial for Indians that want to pursue their career options in this country. 

  • Thoroughly read job posts, pay attention to specific job demands and needed documents.
  • Use specific keywords from the job description and emphasise relevant skills and/or experiences.
  • Answer any additional questions or sub questions that might be included in the job advertisement.

Application Format:

  • Email your PDF application to the company’s email or fill in the application form on the company’s website.
  • As for the application documents, they have to be prepared properly and without errors such as a cover letter and a CV.

 Cover Letter: 

  • Show the strengths and give examples from former positions.
  • Write each letter differently and as brief as possible.

Curriculum Vitae:

  • Provide a presented structured CV with personal information, a work history, education, and skills.
  • It is also recommended to put the picture of the author in a professional style.
  • Format your CV in a way that it can meet the requirements of the job that you are going to apply for.

Top Job Portals:

  • Look for job postings at reputable job-hunting websites such as Make it in Germany, StepStone, XING, LinkedIn, Indeed, etc.

Cultural Awareness:

  • Know about traditions and the expectations of Germans for writing job applications.
  • Learn that there are specific acceptable formats and ways of networking.
  • Use your cultural capital to understand the German health care labour market.

 The German immigration procedure

  1. Choose a type of visa and find out what’s required.
  2. Make an appointment at an embassy or visa application centre in Germany.
  3. Come on the designated date with your paperwork and the completed visa application form.
  4. Send in your application, the necessary paperwork, and the money for the visa.
  5. Hold off until permission is granted.
  6. Get your passport picked up and stamped. 

Do’s and Don’ts While Applying For a Jo in Germany


  • Revise your cover letter and CV in accordance with the job specifications.
  • Before applying, do extensive research on the business and its sector.
  • Find out ahead of time what is required for a visa.
  • Create a strong network of professionals.
  • Keep up with immigration laws and regulations.


  • Ignoring your LinkedIn profile
  • On your resume, invent your credentials and abilities.
  • Have faith in arbitrary job agencies.
  • Ignore your ability to speak German.  


Getting a job in Germany is no longer an unattainable goal. You just need to make the right plans and preparations because it is now freely available. You may simply grasp how to get a job in Germany from India by following the procedures listed above. Numerous Indians are employed there in a variety of occupations. Below is a quick rundown of the most crucial steps:

  • Study: Gain knowledge of the German job markets, industries, and skill requirements.
  • Application: Customise your cover letter and resume for every application.
  • Networking: Go to events and make connections with industry experts
  • Job Portals: Check out respectable job portals such as StepStone, LinkedIn, or Make it in Germany.
  • Websites for Companies: For specific openings, see the websites of the companies.

The ability to adapt to constant change and remain optimistic is a must. Keep pushing through and putting that effort in and you will make it with Germany.


How to Work in Germany from India?

Some of the ways in which one could start providing the services include:

–Research: The first step would be to analyse the German labour market, the various industries, and trends concerning the types of skills required.

–Language Skills: It is for this reason that the German language will allow you to get a job easily there.

–CV and Cover Letter: Such scores will vary from one application to another.

–Job Portals: Look through websites like ‘Make it in Germany’, ‘StepStone’, ‘XING’, ‘LinkedIn’, and ‘Indeed’.

–Interview Preparation: Start preparing for the interview by practising answers to standard questions and trying to understand the “hidden” rules of the German business culture.

What is the future job market in Germany in the year 2024?

Germany unemployment rate: Global Data sets the rate at 3. 4% to 3. 93% for 2023-2024. Germany will accept 447 155 immigrants to combat unemployment in various sectors.

What occupation is deficient in Germany?

Social workers, child care workers, and teaching jobs are in great demand and are the most underemployed jobs while sales jobs are among the most underemployed jobs. Transport and logistics were the top gainers for job vacancies in 2023 also with the medical wellness, and education and the social profession also in the top 10.

How can I get employment in Germany?

Anybody who wants to work in Germany for pay must apply for a residence permit, which is equivalent to a visa. The visa granted for this reason will, if necessary, include a work permit.

How do I get ready for a German interview?

  • Learn about the organisation and the criteria of the role in order to prepare for German interviews. 
  • Practice answering common questions by highlighting your experiences and pertinent abilities.
  • Learn about German corporate culture, which places a strong emphasis on professionalism and punctuality. 
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Study in Germany

Rishabh Jain is an educational consultant, certified trainer and career coach, who has trained and counselled over 5000 students to find career clarity, build a strong profile and develop the necessary skills to get admission into their dream college. Rishabh works towards a vision of creating a strong impact through the field of education and has been collaborating with startups, foundations, organizations and institutes over the past 7 years to bring about a change through counselling and upskilling the youth.

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