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Describe a Chocolate You Didn’t Like IELTS Cue Card

December 30, 2023
Describe a Chocolate You Didn't Like

The IELTS test is an integral part of your student application, as many countries require proof of proficiency in the English language. Consisting of four important modules i.e. reading, speaking, writing, and reading, IELTS is a comprehensive test. The cue card section of IELTS is when a candidate is supposed to speak on a random topic for at least 2-3 minutes. Moreover, there are follow-up questions that the examiner might ask. To help you refine your prep journey, here is a fantastic example of the IELTS cue card in the form of ‘Describe a Chocolate you didn’t like’.

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Cacao Fruit: Describe a Chocolate You Didn’t Like


I am a person who loves chocolate and I can remember one bad experience after which I didn’t want to eat chocolates for a very long time. Thank you for giving me the opportunity so I can share about the time I had a chocolate I didn’t like.

What was it?

My mother went on a trip to Amsterdam a few years ago where she visited a factory that manufactures chocolate from the cacao fruit. She sent me a video of the entire tour and asked if I wanted her to bring some chocolates for me from the factory. I, being a chocoholic, agreed to it. I was excited to taste a chocolate brought from a foreign country. When she came back, she handed me the chocolate. It was wrapped in a black wrapper with the company’s initials written on it. It was a big rectangle-shaped block of chocolate and the packaging looked quite interesting.

What did it taste like?

As I said I was very excited to try this new chocolate, I ran to my room with the chocolate and started unwrapping it. The block of chocolate looked quite rich and elegant. But as I took the first bite of the chocolate all my excitement vanished. It was the worst chocolate I ever had. It tasted bitter.

Why didn’t you like it?

The taste of the chocolate was bitter and I didn’t know that chocolate could taste bitter. I had so many expectations from this chocolate my mother brought from Amsterdam but that first bite changed it all. Later on, enquiring my mother told me that this was raw chocolate with no added sugar or cream and this is how raw chocolates taste like. 


From this incident, I learned to not have too many expectations from anything too soon. If I had seen the ingredients of the chocolate from the wrapper I would’ve known it was going to taste bitter and probably wouldn’t have had it. It was my mistake as well. From the next time, I’m going to have a look at the ingredients before consuming a chocolate.

Premium Dark Chocolate: Describe a Chocolate You Didn’t Like


This is a very interesting topic. I do not eat chocolates much but I can think of an incident that was particularly bad for me. Thank you for allowing me to share this experience with you. Last year on my birthday I received a premium dark chocolate from one of my friends. I regret eating it to date.

What was it?

On my birthday last year, one of my friends wanted me to like eating chocolate so she ordered a premium dark chocolate on my birthday. It was very expensive. 

When I received it  I saw a heart-shaped chocolate block wrapped in black and golden wrapper. 

It had 90% dark chocolate written on it. At first, I was a little sceptical about eating dark chocolate with that high percentage but since it was a gift from a very close friend, I wanted to give it a try.

What did it taste like?

 Giving it a try proved to be the worst mistake of the year. As soon as I took the first bite of the chocolate,  I was consumed by an immediate sense of regret, and it was evident on my face. It tasted bitter and sour. Never in my life, have I had chocolate that tasted bitter and sour.

Why didn’t you like it?

I had never had a chocolate that tasted bitter. On further looking up on the internet I got to know the chocolate tasted so bitter and sour because it was made of 90% dark chocolate. I had to throw the entire chocolate away, I was upset a little as it was a gift from a very close friend and it was very expensive. I didn’t want her efforts to go in vain but I had no other options.


I had to tell my friend that I didn’t like the taste of the chocolate and she was upset about hearing this. But I told her that I appreciated her efforts and that the next time she must not ask me to eat dark chocolate ever. It was also partly my mistake as I should have insisted she not buy me expensive chocolate as I don’t like eating chocolates much.

Describe a Chocolate You Didn’t Like IELTS Cue Card


Thank you for asking me this question I love eating chocolates and I like to try different flavors of Chocolate. I have had many flavours like hazelnut, butterscotch, mystic mocha etc but the one I can think of right now is particularly interesting.

What was it?

Last month I went to a supermarket with my friend. As I entered the market I immediately ran to the section where the chocolates were displayed. I enjoy eating chocolates a lot and I was excited to try a new brand that was on display. I grabbed the chocolate and examined it a little. I read all the ingredients and was impressed by it. The chocolate was a little expensive but I was ready to spend a little more.

What did it taste like?

It was covered with a dark blue wrapper. I paid the bill and immediately started unwrapping it. On unwrapping it, I saw that the chocolate was a dark brown colour with the company’s name engraved on it. I wanted to turn it around and look for the ingredients but my excitement about trying this new chocolate got the better of me. But as I took the first bite, I regretted it. It was plain chocolate with a very cheap taste of orange in it. It tasted like a very strange mixture of chocolate and Orange juice. It was the first chocolate that I didn’t like.

Why didn’t you like it?

I have had many chocolates of different flavours but none tasted as bad as this one. It had a very cheap taste with no nuts or chocolate chips. At first, I thought something was wrong with my mouth as chocolate could not taste this bad but after taking the second bite I realized that the chocolate did taste this bad. All my excitement went down the drain after having that first bite. I didn’t want to eat the rest of the chocolate so I had to throw it away.


After this incident, the major thing I learned is to never judge a book by its cover. I liked this chocolate mainly because of the packaging. But after trying this chocolate I didn’t like it at all. I was upset a little because it was expensive but this incident taught me valuable life lessons. Trying a chocolate I didn’t like was a little heartbreaking but I will never repeat the same mistake again.

Follow-up Questions: Describe a Chocolate You Didn’t Like

1. Is chocolate good for health?

According to research one bar of dark chocolate is good for skin and health. However excess of anything is bad so consuming it in higher amounts may cause some health issues.

2. Do children nowadays eat more chocolate than before?

Yes, I think that children nowadays eat more chocolate than before because earlier there wasn’t much variety of chocolate available in the market but nowadays a high spread of it is available. Also earlier I think parents used to be strict but now because of nuclear families parents are a little more liberal as they want to fulfill every wish of their child.

3. What are some different flavours of chocolate?

There are many different flavors of chocolate available however the common ones are plain chocolate, dark chocolate and milk chocolate bars.

4. Is it possible to ban chocolates entirely?

No, I don’t think it’s possible to ban chocolates entirely as the chocolate market yields high profits each year. Apart from this chocolate is a very important memory of everyone’s childhood, so banning it might not be a good idea.

5. Describe some products made up of chocolate

There are many products available in the market that use chocolate in them but Some of the major products made up of chocolates are Chocolate ice cream, chocolate cakes, chocolate shakes, chocolate syrups and bars. Some special types of chocolates are also used in medicines for children 

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Article Categories:
IELTS Cue Card · IELTS Speaking

Neha Sharma is an IELTS faculty with a decade of experience in teaching IELTS. She holds a PhD in English from Stanford University, USA. Excelling in tailoring her teaching to individual student needs, she has helped over 50,000 students achieve their target scores. Actively involved in research, she ensures that her methods remain effective and innovative.

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