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10 Best Diploma Courses for High Salary Abroad in 2024

October 27, 2023
Best Diploma Courses

Gone are the days when degrees were considered the superior kind of qualification. In today’s age, anyone can become anything. Diploma and Certificate courses, help in gaining the requisite knowledge for exactly that, especially when you are thinking of making a career switch. In such a situation, doing a proper degree course can consume a lot of time. Therefore, diplomas become the saviours. They provide you with practical knowledge in the specified area within a relatively short amount of time. In this blog, we will let you know about the best Diploma courses that you can opt for at a high salary.

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Diploma Courses in Abroad

Diploma courses offer vocational as well as pragmatic learning while also allowing students to engage with literary texts. They are of relatively shorter duration than full-fledged degree courses. These courses are designed to give students industry experience by providing them with skill development and vocational training. Moreover, these courses offer a sense of flexibility given their duration and academic requirements. With a focus on specialisation rather than an extensive curriculum, these courses are sure to make you a fit for highly paid opportunities. 

Depending on your stream, you can choose from a wide array of diplomas. If you come from the science stream you can opt for courses like Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Food Technology, Diploma in Computer Science, Diploma in Pharmacy, Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology, etc. If you come from a commerce background, you can opt for courses like a Diploma in Event Management, Diploma in Hotel Management, Diploma in Banking & Finance, Diploma in Export-Import Management, Diploma in Accounting & Taxation, and so on.

Choosing Diploma Courses

To make the best out of the diploma courses courses, you must choose them based on the following considerations:

  • Before choosing a career path for yourself, you must always check what is the scope of scalability and what is the market demand. This helps especially in cases of confusion. Therefore, if your mind is in a fix and you are unable to choose a proper course for yourself. Look for the one that is in more demand.
  • You will definitely have to choose the best diploma course for yourself keeping in mind your financial situation. Accordingly, you must apply for courses, the duration and cost of which suits your circumstances best.
  • Your style of learning also matters a lot. You may either be a person who likes to delve into the theoretical aspects or a person who loves the practical aspects of things. Accordingly, you must choose either a theory-based or some practical training based course. This must be aligned with your career goals.
  • Last but not the least is your interest. This is the most important consideration of all the considerations because you have to be interested in whatever you choose to pursue. Whatever may be the demand in the market currently, if you are not interested enough, you will not be able to make the most of any opportunity that comes your way. Hence, try to opt for courses that interest you and which would not feel like a burden.

You can do diploma courses on various stages of your life. You can do it after 10th, or after your 12h or even after your graduation. Most people choose to opt for diplomas after 12th and graduation. The one after 10th is generally known as a college diploma, the one after 12th is called an advanced diploma, and the one after graduation is called a graduate diploma and a post graduate diploma. Hence, you can opt for any of these depending upon your interests.

Best Diploma Courses in Abroad

Following are some of the best diploma courses in abroad that will help you become a highly paid individual:

  1. Diploma in Data Science

Everything happens online these days. From banking to shopping, we get the services from major businesses for ourselves on our personal devices online today. After a diploma course in data science, you will become a Data Scientist, who plays a crucial role in almost all these online businesses. A course in Data Science is an amalgamation of Mathematics, Technology and Analytics. It will open doors to a big chunk of tech jobs which are only growing in number.

  1. Diploma in Digital Marketing

Given the entrepreneurial wave that is growing pace throughout the world, many businesses are coming up, most of which are online. All of them require Digital Marketing experts so that their business grows along with the customers. A Diploma in Digital Marketing will help you enter this highly growing and competitive market with industry ready skills. According to your interests, you can make further specializations like in the fields of SEO, Content Management, etc.

  1. Diploma in Event Management

A Diploma Course in Event Management will take around one year in most cases and if you choose to pursue it from abroad, it may cost you around twenty lakhs on an average. Nevertheless, it will be a rewarding course since people are spending more than ever now since their standard of living is gradually getting better with the growing economy. Hence, Event Managers are in demand from all kinds of clients ranging from big corporate houses to individuals with high net worth for all kinds of events. 

  1. Diploma in Engineering

A Diploma course in Engineering is one of the most popular courses among the Indian students. According to your interest, you can specialize in any of the branches like Electrical, Mechanical, etc. Once you have done this course, you will be able to enter the competitive job market of tech jobs with industry relevant skills. If you choose to pursue this course abroad, it will cost you around twenty five lakhs.

  1. Diploma in Fashion Design

If you are interested in Fashion Designing, you must go for this Diploma Course as it will hone for the practical requirements of this industry. It will help you become an overall professional by making you master skills in sustainability, management, brand creation and whatnot. Once you are done with this course, you will be thrown open to multiple career options like becoming a Stylist, Fashion Blogger, Textile Designer, etc. Institutions like George Brown College and University of Sydney provide this Diploma if you wish to pursue it from abroad.

  1. Diploma in Graphic Design

One of the most in-demand professionals these days is Graphic Designers. A Diploma Course in Graphic Design will enable you to hone your artistic abilities and open doors to a number of opportunities. After this course, you can either choose to work independently by taking up individual projects or work with the leading companies by helping them maximize the impact of the campaigns they run. If you wish to pursue it abroad, universities like Arizona State University and London Metropolitan University offer this Diploma among many others.

  1. Diploma in Information Technology

A Diploma in Information Technology is a course that will help you enter the tech industry as a skilled professional. In this course, you will get to learn things like Systems Development, Mainframe Development, etc. Hence, it will help you hone the necessary technical skills required to grow in this highly competitive industry. The duration of this course will be around 1 to 2 years. Some of the institutions abroad that offer this course include big names like Arizona State University, University of Texas, etc.

  1. Diploma in Hotel Management

The Hospitality Industry is one of those industries which is on a boom right now. This is one of the best times to enter the industry as it is going to witness exponential growth in the coming times. Depending upon your interest, you specialize in several sub-fields like food & beverages, housekeeping, advertising, etc. Once you enter this industry after your Diploma course in Hotel Management, you are sure to get exposure to multiple cultures and opportunities like no other.

  1. Diploma in Nursing

A Diploma course in Nursing is one of the most popular and respected courses. A lot of times it is given as much respect as a proper degree in this field. It helps you enter the medicine industry as an industry-ready professional so that you can grow and make a meaningful impact on society. The duration of this course will be around 3 years and if you wish to pursue it from abroad, you can consider institutions like Concordia University, Victoria University, etc., among many others.

  1. Diploma in Animation and Multimedia

If the Entertainment Industry attracts you, this is your go-to Diploma course. It will help you build the necessary skills required to make a successful career in multimedia. According to your interest, you can choose to specialize in fields like 3D Animation, Game Designing, etc. It will take you around 1 to 3 years to get done with this course as it is highly technical. If you wish to pursue it from abroad, you can opt for institutions like Griffith University, Sheridan College, etc.

However, there are some other fields that are in constant demand. You can opt to go for a diploma in these fields as well. These diploma fields include the likes of Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Architecture, Investment Banking, Web development, Law, Financial Management etc. Since this is the age of digitization, the Diploma in Digital Marketing is one of the most demanded courses among all the other diploma courses. Along with that, a Diploma in things related to the finance industry is also on the boom. You must choose according to your career path. 

Diploma Courses Duration

The duration for doing these courses will depend on the kind of institution you pursue them from and the mode of study you choose. The traditional mode is attending classroom lessons. However, these days you can also get the best of courses from the best institutions online. The duration will range between 6 months to 3 years depending upon the course you pursue. For example, if you choose to pursue a Diploma in Graphic Design, the duration will be around a year and if you go for more technical diplomas like the ones in Engineering and Nursing, the duration will be around 3 years. Therefore, geographical boundaries don’t become a hindrance. Nevertheless, whatever the duration, these diploma courses are sure to enhance your skill set along with your pay.

International Universities for Best Diploma Courses

Some of the best universities that offer the best diploma courses abroad include the likes of Harvard, London Business School, INSEAD, University of Sydney, Victoria University, University of Nebraska, University of Northampton, etc. If you wish to apply for diploma courses abroad and are confused regarding how to go ahead with it, you can get in touch with our team. Our experienced professionals, at Admissify, are committed to giving you a personalized solution to your problems.


The best diploma courses for a high salary include diplomas like a Diploma in Engineering, Diploma in Animation and Multimedia, Diploma in Fashion Design, Diploma in Nursing, etc. One of the most popular diploma courses is the Diploma in Digital Marketing along with the ones for careers in the Finance industry. The duration of these courses will depend on the field you choose to opt for and the mode of your education. Traditional courses are generally longer than the online courses. Moreover, the cost of these courses will also vary from course to course and institution to institution offering them.


Can you get a job after completing diploma courses?

Yes, you can definitely get jobs after completing your diploma course. In many industries, there are certain specified roles for professionals holding a diploma.

What is a diploma holder’s salary?

There is no specific limit to how much you can earn because it depends on your experience and skills. However, you can expect the initial pay to be around 4 lacs annually.

What are the diploma course charges?

The cost of pursuing a diploma course will vary from course to course. If you plan to pursue an online course, the costs may be counted in thousands. However, if you choose to pursue traditional and big institutions, the costs will get higher and run in lacs.

What is the best diploma course for a high salary in India?

The best diploma courses in India for high salaries can be done in the fields of Digital Marketing, Financial Management, Architecture, Cyber Security, etc.

Is a Diploma Course in Computer Science high paying?

Yes, a Diploma in Computer Science will enable you to get an edge over others and provide you with the essential training for the industry.

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Gaurav Kandari is a seasoned study abroad consultant with over 5 years of experience, specializing in guiding students to the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia. An avid traveler, he draws on his global adventures to enrich his consulting, providing invaluable insights to aspiring scholars.

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