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Is it better to do your Bachelor’s or Master’s Abroad?

November 29, 2022
Is it better to do your Bachelor’s or Master’s Abroad?

Several students aspire to follow their dreams of pursuing higher education abroad. No doubt that the idea of studying in a foreign abroad appears dreamy and charming but before deciding on where and what course to study, it is also best to give thought if you’re ready to move to international lands for a Bachelor’s degree or wait another few years to get admission into a master’s degree.

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Our best study abroad consultants in Delhi suggest that you should consider a few points before making any decision. Before coming to any conclusion, go on and read the complete article to clarify your thoughts.

Duration of the course

As you must know the bachelor’s courses are usually 4 years of study period. You must decide before committing to a program of study if you want to study the course with in-depth knowledge for this long duration.

It is also to be noted here that you’ll be staying away from your family and home country during this period.

If the 4 years seem to be a long period, then our consultants in Guwahati strongly advise that you should opt for a master’s program in the future that is just for 1-2 years depending on where you choose to study.

The Tuition fee for the program

The dream of studying abroad comes with a huge cost which includes tuition fees as well as living expenses. The tuition fee can be anywhere between INR 15,00,000 to INR 20,00,000. So before reaching any decision you should consider expenses. You should consult with an adult and your parents about how you’re going to concur the expenses. your parents might offer to fund your education abroad otherwise you would have to go for a student loan.

The best consultants in Delhi believe that you should make a financial plan well before beginning your journey to study abroad. While you’re at it, don’t forget to contact admissify and ask for study abroad scholarships available for your desired program.


Modern industries in today’s time demand highly specific knowledgeable professionals for their organizations.

To meet the job requirements, you should pay attention to the specialization that you choose to study at the international university. The study abroad consultants at admissify are positive that specializations such as data science, Information technology are highly regarded in the field of engineering if you wish to pursue a career in a corporate office. It is highly recommended that you should look at the specialization offered at the bachelor’s and master’s levels at the university.

Goals and aspirations

Your plan to study abroad should align with your career goals and objectives. Many students have intentions to achieve success in their respective careers and settle abroad. You should have a long-term ambition that you can achieve with your study abroad plan. Our abroad consultants in Delhi can guide you to find a perfect course to accomplish your goals as well as plan your customized study abroad journey.

Readiness to adapt

If you are planning to move to foreign land then you should also know that the exclusive experience in an overseas land comes with many-many difficulties in a package. You should be prepared well ahead to adapt to a completely different culture, weather, and lifestyle altogether. If it all seems exciting to you and you are sure that you’re well-prepared for it, you should take the first step to contact the best consultants in Guwahati to start planning your studies abroad.

Also, to know more visit the website Admissify.com where you can find all the necessary information about studying abroad.

Article Categories:
Study Abroad

Avinash Singh is a study abroad consultant with over 10 years of experience helping students achieve their academic goals. He is an expert in the US, Australian, German, and Canadian education systems and has helped hundreds of students secure admission to top universities around the world. In his spare time, Avinash enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with his family. He is also an avid reader and loves to learn new things.

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