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Dealing With Homesickness As An International Student

September 14, 2022
Dealing with homesickness as an International student

Whether you’re coming from across the country or an hour away, moving away for school is a big transition. Just keep in mind that you are most certainly not the only person experiencing homesickness. Homesickness is a real issue for international university study-abroad students. According to the results of numerous polls by many study abroad consultants, a third of all students have experienced depression or homesickness at some point throughout their academic careers. It makes sense, too—the stress of schoolwork and extracurricular activities wears on you. You sometimes can’t help but long for the comfort of your own home, where you could eat home-cooked meals and sleep in a cosy bed. To assist you, we’ve compiled a list of the best suggestions for overcoming homesickness so you can focus on making the most of your study abroad experiences.

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Give yourself a little leeway to miss and be melancholy about home.

We recognize that you may need to prioritize your academics, especially if you are receiving financial aid, but allowing yourself to express your feelings is a better approach to handling stress than holding everything inside. Establishing a designated time during the day to cry or feel sad has proven to be a helpful tactic, as doing so will allow you to move on and concentrate on other crucial tasks throughout the day. Journaling and expressing your emotions in writing are two other coping mechanisms. As time goes on, you’ll see that you’ll start to feel more at ease with the concept of being away from home!


Explore your new surroundings and keep yourself busy

Many students have admitted that the new environment is the major reason they feel homesick. To wear it off, you can get into your travelling pants and start exploring the city. This way, you get to familiarize yourself with the new setting. The more you get to know your city, the more you’ll get to make it your new home. Plus, what’s the fun if you don’t get out and do the bucket-list things you’ve planned? Many students also regret not exploring the city during their study abroad episode.

While you set out on a mission of exploration, as per the suggestions of the best study abroad consultants in Delhi, you can engage in various activities apart from your mundane college homework. For example, you can volunteer in community service or enjoy karaoke with your circle in a nearby pub! If you’re an introvert and don’t enjoy such social activities, there’s a solution for you too. Your kind of species can escape homesickness by going to libraries instead of studying in your room or enjoying a quiet solo picnic in the park. There’s something for all!

Pamper yourself with some self-care activities

Small acts of self-compassion can have a tremendous impact on your general well-being and disposition! Each person’s definition of self-care will be different. You can treat yourself a bit when you’re feeling down by making your favourite healthy meal, taking a long bath with your personal favourites, or honing mindfulness meditation. You may fight off those homesick sensations by making time for the activities that make you happy. Please discuss these matters beforehand with the professionals of the best overseas education consultants in Delhi for better adjustment. 

Did you also know when you’re depressed, exercise is incredibly beneficial to your body? When feeling down, it can be tempting to curl up on the couch and watch comedies or rom-coms, while sobbing into a huge tub of Ben and Jerry’s. But you’ll probably feel worse by doing this. When you work out, your brain generates more serotonin, which boosts your happiness and gives you more energy! So you can do some crunches or planks and wave goodbye to the gloom of homesickness!

Don’t struggle alone; seek assistance.

There is no harm in seeking assistance from new buddies when transitioning from living in your native country to studying abroad. Making new friends in the host nation will help you overcome your emotions of homesickness. This might be simpler for some folks than others. Remember that many other overseas students may face ambivalent feelings of longing for home, so you should view this as an opportunity to learn about other cultures and histories.

Consider scheduling a free online counselling session with trained counsellors on Admissify’s website, even if these suggestions don’t help. Many students in foreign universities experiencing similar problems have reached out to Admissify. Your needs are our priority as the best education consultants in Delhi.

FAQs: How do International Students Deal with Homesickness?

How do international students deal with homesickness?

International students cope with homesickness through a variety of strategies, such as staying connected with family and friends back home through video calls, engaging in social activities, exploring their new surroundings, seeking support from fellow students or counselling services, and focusing on their studies to stay occupied.

Why do international students feel homesick?

Homesickness among international students often stems from being in a new and unfamiliar environment, away from their home country, culture, and loved ones. The absence of familiar surroundings and routines, along with cultural differences and language barriers, can contribute to feelings of homesickness.

Do international students get homesick?

Yes, homesickness is a common experience among many international students. Adjusting to a new culture, lifestyle, and educational system can trigger feelings of longing for their home country, family, and friends.

Why do international students feel lonely?

International students might feel lonely due to the challenges of building new social networks in a foreign country. Language barriers, cultural differences, and the absence of familiar faces can contribute to a sense of isolation, leading to feelings of loneliness.

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Study Abroad

Gaurav Kandari is a seasoned study abroad consultant with over 5 years of experience, specializing in guiding students to the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia. An avid traveler, he draws on his global adventures to enrich his consulting, providing invaluable insights to aspiring scholars.

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