IELTS Speaking Tips and Tricks

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a common standardised test for English proficiency. With preparation and the right strategies, you can maximise your IELTS score. Here we provide key tips and tricks for conquering the IELTS exam.

Manage Your Time

The listening and reading sections are timed, so you need to move quickly. Scan questions first so you know what to listen or read for. Pace yourself to finish each section and avoid getting bogged down.

Improve Your Vocabulary

Build your vocabulary through reading, flashcards, and practice tests. Focus on learning words commonly used in the exam like collocations and idioms. Understanding more words and phrases will improve your score.

Practice Resources

Admissify’s free IELTS demo class offers excellent information, even before you sit for the test. Review your mistakes and continue practising problem areas until they become strengths with a British Council-certified faculty.

Perfect Your Speaking and Writing

Strong English skills are key for high scores in the speaking and writing sections—practice giving long-form responses on various topics. Work on writing clear, cohesive essays with good grammar within the time limit.

Stay Confident on Exam Day

Get plenty of rest the night before and eat a healthy meal. Trust your preparation and do not panic if you find a section challenging. In the end, staying positive is key!

Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking PDF: Important word list 2024