Data Scientist vs. Software Engineer: Which is better?

Published by Gaurav Kandari | April 10 2024

Salary Showdown

Data Scientists take the slight lead over Software Engineers in terms of profit, stable at 130 thousand on average against 125 thousand, as a consequence of different factors, mostly: experience and industry influence.

Specializations Spectrum

Data scientists on the other hand explore AI, Machine Learning, Business Intelligence, and Database Design. As for software engineers, this could be AI, Biocomputation, Data Science, Gaming, and Cybersecurity.

Growth Projections

By the year 2026, Data Science projects 11.5 million job vacancies with a growth rate of 20% to be on the rise, and Software Engineering expects 557,000 new openings, with a growth rate of 13%.

Role Rundown

Roles include AI Engineers, Data Analysts, and Data Scientists who process data and extract insights, while Software Engineers who build software systems and solutions are here to drive a digital world.

Recruiter Rivals

The highest employers of both Data Scientists and Software Engineers are Amazon, IBM (for the former) and Infosys, Google, Apple, and Netflix (for the latter).